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Governors & Financial Benchmarking

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


The role of the Governing Body



The Governing Body sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.


Critical Friend

The Governing Body must work closely with the Head Teacher and create a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing a school. The Governing Body must feel able to question and challenge. 



A school is a business and its stakeholders are the pupils. The Governing Body must have a professional attitude and use its collective skills to benefit the pupils. It must gather views, ask questions and decide what is best for the school. The Governing Body is answerable to parents and the wider community. The Governing Body is collectively responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school and for monitoring the schools performance.


The governing body is responsible for promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school.


Types of Governors 


  • Staff Governors - elected by teaching and support staff 
  • Parent Governors - elected by parents
  • Co-opted Governors - members of local community elected by Governors
  • Local Authority Governors - nominated by the Ealing Council political parties.


The Overall Responsibilities of the Governing Body 


  • Help to shape the vision, ethos and direction of the school
  • Ensure the school operates with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement
  • Challenge and support the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities are met
  • Hold the Leadership Team to account for the performance of the school
  • Ensure sound management of resources including finance, human resources and infrastructure
  • Ensure statutory policies and documents are in place and regularly reviewed, and that they are effective in meeting their desired aims
  • Act as a good employer
  • Fulfil its duty of care to staff, students, parents and others associated with the school


The Overall Responsibilities of the Committees 


In addition to the Full Governing Body which normally meets 4 times a year we also have 2 active committees which each meet 3 times a year and each Governor would be expected to join at least one of these committees.


  • Resources Committee
  • Teaching and Learning Committee



Want to Find Out More?


If you have any questions that are not answered in this area of the website, or if you would like to register your interest in becoming a Governor, then you can contact:


Mrs Karen Silvester, Headteacher via the school office.

Mr Joseph Mangar/Miss Nikki Christensen, Co Chair of Governors via the school office.

School Governance Unit: 020 8825 5444


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Joseph Mangar - Co Chair of Governors - Co-Opted Governor

Child Protection and Safeguarding & Health and Safety Link Governor 


I became a Governor in 2010 and was appointed as a Parent Governor into the Sites & Building Committee as well as becoming the Literacy Governor. I became Chair of the Governing Board in 2016.

I have a building background and previous to this I was in the Royal Navy.

Three generations of my family have attended this school and I am keen that Greenwood Primary remains a high achieving school serving our local Community.


Date of Appointment: 03.03.2011

Term of Office: 25.07.2018 - 24.07.2022 & 25.07.2022 - 24.07.2026

Appointed by: Governing Board (Co-Opted)


Nikki Christensen - Co Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor

Mathematics & PSHE Link Governor


I was recently a Year 6 teacher at Greenwood Primary School. I worked at Greenwood since 2009 and have gained a wide range of experiences while here.

I decided to become a co-opted governor because I wanted to continue to make a contribution to the school and the wider community. Becoming a governor has helped me gain a greater insight and understanding into the running of the school, and gives me the opportunity to play a part in making important decisions that will help drive the school forward.


Date of Appointment: 27.06.2016

Term of Office: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025 & 06.07.2022 - 05.07.2026

Appointed by: Governing Body (Co-Opted Governor) 

Namita Kapila -  Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor & Chair of the Teaching & Learning Committee

English Link Governor


I joined Greenwood Primary as a parent Governor in 2014 and I am responsible for being Numeracy governor, Chair of the Teaching and Learning committee, plus, I sit on the Community committee. I have been in education for 17 years both as a language teacher and currently, as a Director of a London-based language school teaching adults English as a Foreign Language. I became a governor in order to take an active role in the governance of the school and I'm committed to improving the welfare and education of the children at Greenwood. I understand the importance of the local community, and how this can bring people together to provide a happy and stimulating environment.

As the school continues to improve, I'm proud to see the passion and commitment within the governing board, productive decision-making and the strong desire to make Greenwood Primary school the best it can be.


Date of Appointment: 17.01.2014

Term of Office: 17.01.2022 - 16.01.2026

Appointed by: Governing Board (Co-Opted)

Karen Silvester - Headteacher


I am delighted to have taken up Headship at Greenwood Primary School after 11 years of successful Deputy Headship at Greenwood. I have been a teacher for the past 21 years in schools in Hillingdon, Coventry and Ealing and in leadership roles for the past 18 years.

The educational needs and welfare of our children is at the heart of the school I lead. I passionately believe in ensuring the children achieve their potential, and promoting high standards throughout Greenwood Primary school. I also provide the governing board with a professional lead on leading and managing the school. I am also passionate about working with the governing body to create and maintain a safe, happy and stimulating environment where every pupil is able to achieve their full potential.

Out of school I enjoy swimming, holidaying abroad and spending quality time with my two young children.


Date of Appointment: 01.08.2018

Term of Office: 01.08.2018 - N/A

Appointed by: Governing Board (Headteacher)

Catherine Ofori-Atta - Co-opted Governor & Chair of the  Resources Committee

SEND & Inclusion Link Governor 


I have been a Parent Governor since 2014 and am privileged to be the SEND Governor at Greenwood Primary School. I am married & have 2 children who currently attend Year 6 & Year 3 at this school. As a result of my Project Management work in the Pharmaceutical Industry, I bring people, project & budget management skills to the Governing Board & zeal to see improvement in pupil attainment & progress.

As a working parent, being a member of the governing board helps me to engage in all aspects of the school (curriculum, pupil performance, teaching capability, maintenance of the school building, school facilities etc.) and make a positive contribution to the management of the school which I might not make the time or have the inclination to do as just a parent of children in the school.

I bring the heart of a parent and the management expectations of a professional project manager to challenge & support the leadership of the school to make Greenwood Primary a school of choice for parents & children in this locality.

I love to travel, swim, go to the opera and minister to the needs of people in my church.


Date of Appointment: 17.01.2014

Term of Office: 17.01.2022 - 16.01.2026

Appointed by: Governing Board (Co-Opted)


Councillor Amarjit Jammu - Local Authority Governor, member of Resources Committee

Behaviour & Attendance Link Governor


I am a Councillor for the North Greenford Ward, in the London Borough of Ealing. I have lived in North Greenford since 1981, so I know the area fairly well. It was always my intention to stand as an LEA Governor within my Ward. It is an honour and a privilege, to be nominated as a School Governor for Greenwood Primary School. This will enable me to keep in touch with my constituents and their families, and help in whatever way possible, for the betterment of the school and the local residents.

Although I have previous experience on Governing Bodies, as a Parent Governor, Co-opted Governor,  LEA Governor as well as PTA; this is my first time as an Elected Official. I intend to work with the School and parents, and the wider community.

I have vast amount of experience in the Political circle as I have been a member of the Labour Party since 1994, and have had many active roles within the Party, including Chair and Secretary of Ealing North Constituency.

I bring with me, my skills, knowledge and experience that I have gained over the years. I worked for the London Borough of Ealing, within the Housing Department for 28 years, and have strong Union links with Unison. I am Chair of Ealing Unison Retired Members Group and represent Retired members as an Executive member on the London Regional Board. I also have a passion for campaigning hence my involvement with the National Pensions Convention, to ensure we all get a fair deal.

Whilst working for the Borough, I managed to complete a Post Graduate in Management Studies, and a Certificate in Employment Law. I hope that they will both come to good use, whilst I’m on this Governing Body.


Date of Appointment: 25.10.2018

Term of Office: 25.10.2018 - 24.10. 2022

Appointed by: Local Authority 

Lesley Tucker - Clerk


I have been clerking for the Governing Board at Greenwood Primary since October 2016. My main duties are to provide administrative support, organise and prepare agendas and act as minute taker at meeting for the Governing Board meetings and panels, where necessary; maintain membership information in accordance with legal requirements and advise on governance, legislation and procedural matters where necessary.

Milena Ravic - Staff Governor


I’m thrilled to be joining the governing body and contributing to the continued success here at Greenwood. With over 13 years of teaching and leadership experience across the West Midlands and right here in Ealing, I believe my insights and contributions will be valuable in shaping policies and decisions that support both our students and staff. As a Staff Governor, I’m eager to bring the staff perspective into important discussions and collaborate with the leadership team and fellow governors to create a positive, thriving learning environment. This is an exciting opportunity, and I can’t wait to get started!


Date of Appointment: 04.10.2024

Term of Office: 04.10.2024 - 03.10.2028

Appointed by: Staff (Staff Governor)


Isma Sheikh - Parent Governor 


I am a newly appointed parent governor of Greenwood Primary School. I am a mother of 3 children, a son in year 7 who started his school journey at Greenwood nursery up until year 6, and twins who are currently in year 5. I have always had an interest in the running of schools I feel like I would be a great asset to the team by providing strategic guidance into the further development and performance of the school. It will bring me great pleasure of being able to see what my contribution provides.


Date of Appointment: 13.10.2023

Term of Office: 13.10.2023 - 12.10. 2027

Appointed by: Parents (Parent Governor) 

Agnieszka Szwec - Co-Opted Governor Resources Committee 


My name is Agnieszka Szwec. I am a mum of two, Szymon and Alexandra (Year 4) at Greenwood Primary School. Inspired to become actively involved, I started the Parents Teachers Association at our school. The purpose of our PTA is to bring parents, school staff, students and community to work together for the welfare of our children. I felt the time was right to contribute more and was fortunate enough to be elected as a Parent Governor in July 2018.

Apart from being a busy mum I worked as a personal assistant in private sector for past 14 years. I love baking and spending time with my family. I feel as every other parent does that my children deserve the best possible education. My positive attitude enables me to effectively support the governors, the parents, the children and the school staff of Greenwood Primary to provide the best learning and overall development. As a Parent Governor, I hope to be a part of a team that can continue to move forward for the benefit of all the children. I am looking forward to working with the governing body!


Date of Appointment: 11.07.2018

Term of Office: 11.07.2018 - 10.07.2022 & 10.07.2022 - 09.07. 2026

Appointed by: Governing Body (Co-opted Governor) 


Jatinder Kaur - Co-Opted Governor Teaching & Learning Committee 


As a dedicated member of the North Greenford community, I am deeply committed to serving others and effecting positive change. My journey in community service has been marked by notable recognitions, including the prestigious Points of Light Award bestowed upon me by the Prime Minister, in acknowledgment of my significant contributions. Additionally, I am honoured to have received the Queen's Award, a reflection of my unwavering dedication to improving the lives of those around me.

Professional Background:

Armed with an MBA from the esteemed University of Sunderland, I have continuously pursued personal and professional growth throughout my career. Initially embarking on a path in IT and HR, I have since spent over three decades contributing to the success of a chartered accountancy firm, where I have honed my skills and expertise.

Community Engagement:

Beyond my professional endeavours, I am deeply involved with various charitable organizations, where I devote both time and expertise to a myriad of causes close to my heart. I firmly believe that cultivating a spirit of service among the next generation is paramount, and I actively seek to facilitate this transition.

Philosophy and Commitment:

My life's journey has been profoundly influenced by the values of service, dedication, and community engagement. It is with great honour and humility that I share my experiences and strive to continue the legacy of my family by collaborating with esteemed organisations like yours to effect meaningful change within our community.


In summary, I bring to the role of a school governor a wealth of experience, a steadfast commitment to service, and a genuine passion for fostering positive change. I am excited about the opportunity to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute meaningfully to the educational landscape of North Greenford and to empower the next generation to become active agents of change within our community.


Date of Appointment: 01.12. 2021

Term of Office: 01.12. 2021 - 30.11.2025

Appointed by: Governing Body (Co-opted Governor) 

Vanie Kalapan - Parent Governor 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the governing body of Greenwood Primary school to appoint me as a parent governor. I am pleased to introduce myself; Mrs Vanie Kalapan, mother of three, Harish (old boy), Ashwin ( Year 4) and Harrini (Reception). I started the journey with this outstanding school eight years ago. My professional background is Accounting. 

My interest towards social work will help to reach the needy people easily who seek assistance at school. It is a great pleasure to work closely with the parents and the academic community. I ensure that I will act as a bridge between both to build-up a healthy relationship which will lead for a world class education journey.  I am honoured to take this role to provide a better schooling experience to the students.


Date of Appointment: 22.04.2021

Term of Office: 22.04.2021 - 21.04. 2025

Appointed by: Parents (Parent Governor) 

Greg Burns - Parent Governor 


I have worked in local government communications for more than a decade, after starting my career as a journalist for local newspapers across west London. This has helped me develop an understanding of the many pressures facing schools and teachers. 


My daughters are both at Greenwood and I am excited to start my parent governor journey with the school. I believe that every child at Greenwood should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and I will work closely with the headteacher, teachers and parents to better understand the challenges and opportunities for Greenwood and provide a strong voice for all pupils and families.


Date of Appointment: 07.03.2023

Term of Office: 07.03.2023 - 06.03. 2027

Appointed by: Parents (Parent Governor) 

Keval Jayesh - Associate Member 


I am confident that despite my age, my unique blend of hard financial expertise and strong interpersonal skills would make me a valuable addition to the role of school governor. My Finance degree solidifies my strong analytical skill-set which I believe equips me well to be able to offer unique strategic insights and opportunities, possibly into the financial health and long-term sustainability of a school. My current experience as an Investment Analyst and Power BI consultant empowers my data-driven decision making methodology, which I strongly feel to be ideal when uptaking decisions that can impact many young people.

Alongside these technical skills, I possess a deep passion for bettering my local community, which has been a key motivator in pursuing this kind of experience. My leadership in school fundraising efforts, mentorship for new uni students, business development experience, and hands-on work in customer-focused roles have helped me develop strong communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. I have worked with diverse teams and clients, demonstrating my ability to listen, build relationships, and contribute to collective decision-making.

My hobbies align closely with my core values. I actively participate in family community football events, advocating for sports and a healthy lifestyle. Until recently, I volunteered at my local place of worship, where I helped educate older leaders on current trends to foster a stronger sense of community, with a focus on engaging Gen Z. Additionally, involved in challenges such as the Goodreads 2024 reading challenge and indirectly participating in Meta’s Hackathon showcase my commitment to continuous learning and expanding my knowledge.

As a primary school governor, I would bring a thoughtful, business-minded approach to supporting the school’s development while ensuring that the needs of students, teachers, and the broader community remain central to all decisions as it is so to mine. I am eager to leverage my skill set to help foster an environment that maximises both educational and financial success, all while promoting the values of inclusivity and community engagement. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the school’s success.


Date of Appointment: N/A

Term of Office: N/A

Appointed by: Associate Member 


Governor Information - Business Interests 

Governing Body Meeting Dates 

Governor Attendance Register 



School Financial Benchmarking


The government collects schools' financial information in a consistent way so that the finances of schools can be compared.

Compare our income and spending with other schools in England:


  •, Schools financial benchmarking (Greenwood Primary School)


Employees' Pay


The government requires schools to publish how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000. It is recommended that this is displayed in a table:


Salary band Number of employees
£100,000 - £110,0001



Governor Newsletter 
