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New Reception Information

New starters - Reception Classes 2024


Please see the presentation which was shared in the Parents meeting in June 2024. This will provide you with all the important information before your child starts with us in September.



Dear Parents / Carers,


We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Greenwood Primary School and thank you for choosing to be part of our wonderful school and community. Our setting will ensure a smooth and happy transition for your child from whatever setting be that a Nursery, childminder or home.


We very much look forward to meeting you and your child and providing you a memorable year in Reception. All staff in our Reception classes understand the significant importance of ensuring your child feels welcome and safe and we promise to provide a positive start to your child’s education. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school. 


We look forward to meeting you very soon, and again welcome to Greenwood Primary School!


Take care,


The Reception Team

Head teachers Welcome, Tour of Reception and Welcome by Reception Staff


Welcome to Reception Class

Welcome to Greenwood Reception September 2021
