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LKS2 Phase Leader- Mrs Pike
2024 - 2025
A Wonderful Start to the Year
Autumn 2
As we wrap up the first term, we are delighted to share how hard the children have been working in their new learning. Their enthusiasm and dedication have been truly commendable, making us incredibly proud. It has been a fantastic start, and we look forward to continuing this journey of learning together in the New Year.
Year 3
This term, Year 3 began with an exciting author study focusing on the incredible Anthony Browne. The children explored the themes in his books and uncovered his hidden clues, enhancing their understanding through VIPERS skills. They produced wonderful writing, including imaginative stories and heartfelt diary entries, showcasing their creativity and hard work.
In design technology, Year 3 designed and sewed their own pencil cases. Starting with research into different types and their purposes, they moved on to creating their designs, sewing them, and finally evaluating their products. The results are amazing, and we are sure you’ll agree when you see them!
Year 4
In Science, the children explored sound and vibrations. They investigated how sound travels by making string telephones from recyclable materials. Through hands-on experimentation, they discovered how sound changes over distance and through different materials, and how the length and thickness of the string affect pitch.
In design technology, Year 4 built on their Year 3 sewing skills to plan, design, and created money containers using various techniques. Once completed, they evaluated their products, and we couldn’t be more impressed with their efforts.
Autumn 1
We've had an exciting and productive half term as the children have settled into their new classes with enthusiasm. They have embraced a variety of engaging learning experiences and demonstrated great energy and positivity throughout.
Year 3
Year 3 have had an incredibly productive half term! In their topic lessons, they’ve been exploring the fascinating period of 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age,' and this theme has been integrated into their English and Reading lessons as well. The children have been thoroughly engaged, learning about the timeline, the uses of stones, cave paintings, and many other intriguing aspects of life during the Mesolithic Age. This has helped them develop a deep appreciation for the creativity and ingenuity of people from that time.
In English and Reading, they’ve been captivated by the story of ‘The Stone Age Boy,’ using skills like inference to enhance their understanding. The children have written detailed character and setting descriptions and crafted their own adventure stories inspired by the book, utilizing powerful verbs, adjectives, similes, prepositional phrases, and fronted adverbials. Their creativity and progress have been truly impressive!
Year 4
Year 4 have had an impressive start to the year, and it’s been wonderful to see their learning come to life. In English, they began by exploring the picture book 'Gregory Cool,' which served as inspiration for their creative writing. The children have made great progress in developing their understanding of setting and character, while also enhancing their skills in grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, spelling, and handwriting. They’ve learned the key elements of descriptive writing and applied them confidently in their own work.
In their topic lessons, the children have been fully immersed in the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt. They explored topics such as gods and goddesses, society, the River Nile, hieroglyphics, pyramids, and mummification. Their studies have included the timeline of Ancient Egypt, daily life, the structure of society, the role of pharaohs, and the civilization's beliefs. They even practiced writing in hieroglyphics, learned about the mummification process, and studied the significance of the Nile, both in the past and today. It has been an exciting and enriching journey of discovery for them!
Lower Key Stage 2 News 2023-24